Captain Keck is an IGFA Trained Observer
capable of going to
tournaments all over the world to make sure the IGFA rules are
International Angling Rules
Angling rules have been formulated by the International Game
Fish Association to promote ethical and sporting angling
practices, to establish uniform regulations for the compilation
of world game fish records, and to provide basic angling
guidelines for use in fishing tournaments and any other group
angling activities.
Having observers that
are trained to identify billfish species under frantic
tournament conditions virtually eliminates the need to bring
back dead fish to the dock for official scoring. Observers also
raise the prestige level and credibility of tournaments while
contributing to conservation efforts with the safe release of
tournament billfish.
IGFA observers are used during fishing tournaments worldwide to
ensure adherence to specific tournament event regulations, fish
and game laws, and guidelines. Their position is one of
considerable responsibility and influence, having the ability to
confirm or disqualify tournament catches based their judgment of
proper equipment, techniques and sportsmanship. The IGFA
World Championship Tournament requires that you win one of the
more than 110 qualifying tournaments held in 35 countries to get
an invitation.
IGFA is a non-profit
conservation and record keeping organization with members in
over 120 countries and territories. Their 60,000 square
foot Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum is open to the public seven
days a week in Dania Beach, Florida.
What is Observer Training?
As release
tournaments become more common and cash payouts increase,
unbiased observers become vital in reporting rule infractions as
well as for identifying billfish species. Over the years, billfish tournaments have transformed into big
business enterprises. Many prestigious tournaments now have
enormous Calcutta�s and purses as well as large numbers of
participating anglers. With huge purses and egos on the line,
concern often arises whether all participants are adhering to
the letter of the rules. This causes turmoil for tournament
directors and, at its worst, prevents tournaments from adopting
release formats. An obvious solution is to have observers on
boats to ensure a level playing field. But how do you know if
observers have been properly trained and where do you go to find
them? The answer is simple; IGFA.

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